Sunday, December 16, 2007

I got hit by the stupid tax.

The Stupid Tax (n.) - Extra dollars paid out for no reason other than an inattentiveness to the situation.

In July I accepted a promotion at work, bringing with it a company cell phone with little to no restriction on how I use it. Since I don't really want to carry two phones, I have converted over to the new number exclusively and turned off my personal cell phone.

I do not anticipate losing the company phone any time soon, and when I do I have no problem with taking on a new cell number. I could not, however, cancel the service on my personal phone because it was under contract, and paying a $200 early termination fee doesn't seem reasonable when I can ride out the last five or six months of the contract for less.

I was reviewing my cell phone statement the other day, and it turns out my contract was up two months ago - altogether I paid three extra months for cell service that (1) I had no intention of using (2) without any justifiable reason except that I wasn't paying attention.

$90 down the drain. Rats.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I've been paying a higher stupid tax lately. It seems like information overload makes it harder and harder to pay attention to everything important!

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